What’s Happening at The Friendship Table These Days?


Greetings, friends. They tell me that when one door closes, another opens; and if that closes, there’s a window; if the window is painted stuck, you gather good people, light a candle or two and listen for the whisper of Spirit, together.

We did that. And we heard something.

You see, we’ve run upon a bit of an obstacle that we’ve learned is not uncommon among “service-agencies” these days, a stumbling block even more prevalent among agencies with a decidedly spiritual perspective and mission. Even after a months-long search, the right people are difficult to come by. (I’ve been admittedly naïve; I thought that would be the easy part!)

Rather than push against the river and insist upon any preconceived model of things, we did what we’ve always done and turned inward, toward God, for our compass. In a nutshell, we’ve expanded our notions about who “the right people” are. To limit our scope may be to eliminate our blessings, both given and received.

The Friendship Table is doing well in its season of inward exploration even as it continues to move outward with its vision. In my heart, I hope this makes you curious. If so, our table is always set and the doors are always open for conversation. After all, this is your table, too.

